Job Search Insanity

InsanityTo say that I’m stubborn is quite an understatement. Strong willed. Persistent. Yes, even pig headed at times.

I live by my personal Polish proverb: If you at first you don’t succeed, get a bigger hammer.

But there comes a time when even I have to admit that I’ve fallen into a kind of insanity. I keep doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.

Some people say that God has only three answers for our prayers:

  • Yes
  • Not yet.
  • No, I have something better for you.

Well God, maybe you can drop a little hint or two. Or send a memo. Please.

I’m down here slogging in the trenches doing my best – crafting awesome resumes, building unique portfolios, researching employers and nailing the interviews. But it’s never quite good enough to close the deal.

I am rapidly realizing that no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, no matter how many times I try, what I want may not be part of the Universe’s Grand Plan.

So what should I do?

Keep trying? Keep applying, keep interviewing and hope that someone will be smart enough to recognize what I offer?

It seems insane to stop trying. Or is it insanity to keep doing the same things and expecting a different outcome?

Photo from Flickr Creative Commons:  Dima Bushkov’s photostream